
The University of Winchester is hosting a Service Child Forum for students currently studying at sixth forms, colleges or universities across the South on 27th March.

Students who have grown up with parents in the Armed Forces are now recognised as an underrepresented group within higher education and there is a growing amount of outreach activity focused on supporting this group.
This event seeks to offer students in further and higher education to share their experiences of life as a Service child.
The outcomes of the forum will be shared on local and national platforms and will help raise the profile of Service children’s experiences in all stages of education.

• 13.30-16.30 at the University of Winchester
• Lunch and campus tours included
• Workshops focused on applying to higher education as a Service child or on key employability skills for HE students
• Chance for students to share experiences of growing up as part of the Armed Forces community

We welcome parties of students from sixth forms and colleges across the South who have grown up with a parent in the Armed Forces, including those whose parents may have left the Services (regardless of what age they were at that point). We ask that a member of school or college staff coordinates the visit to the University and accompanies the group on the day.

Download the flyer for FE schools and colleges

Download the flyer for HE students

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