
The SCiP Alliance Stakeholder Consultation

The Service Children’s Progression Alliance commissioned a consultation exercise with existing and potential stakeholders to inform the Alliance's strategic priorities and identify the services, activities and opportunities that would enable practitioners to further support the educational success and progression of Service children.

Download the full report

Download the executive summary

The majority of respondents, over half of whom work in schools, told us that they had observed Service children’s experiences to have an impact on their education which is significantly different to the challenges and opportunities experiences by other groups.

Stakeholders identified the role of the SCiP Alliance as:

  1. Raising awareness of the progression needs of Service children
  2. Developing an evidence base of effective practice
  3. Facilitating effective inter-agency working
  4. Listening to and sharing the Service child's voice

In response to the research we have:

1. Raised awareness not only by growing the scale and quality of the Hub network but also by engaging national policymakers, for example responding to government inquiries' calls for evidence.

2. Developed the evidence base by: 

  • Commissioning a research-led organisational framework for schools and linked CPD toolkits
  • Mapping the distribution of Service children and characteristics of local regions to aid policy and planning
  • Publishing a new series of research briefings
  • Undertaking and supporting a range of original research

3. Facilitated effective inter-agency working by:

  • Developing both the Hub network and the mechanisms for Hub leads to share and develop their work
  • Running a national conference
  • Convening a research symposium

4. Led the 'Year of the Service Child Voice' 2019-20.

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