
Theory of Change

Our theory of change explains what we do, how we go about it and why we believe this approach will impact on our mission of thriving lives for Armed Forces children.

SCiP Alliance Theory Of Change 2021

The Need

Like all children, the children of serving and ex-Armed Forces personnel are unique and have huge potential. But their lives can have complex additional challenges.

Evidence suggests this can have both positive and negative effects for Service children. And research with professionals tells us there's a need for high-quality, evidence-based resources and support, so they can have confidence that their support will enhance Service children's lives.

Our Response

Our Stakeholder Research told us people want to be better connected: with each other, with evidence and with support.

So we lead a UK-wide Hub network that connects practitioners, researchers, policy-makers and funders.

  • We develop easily-accessible, evidence-based resources and support.
  • We lead, commission and collate global research to build stronger evidence for action.
  • We help policy professionals understand the needs of Service children and their supporters.

The Impact

We want to see the scale and quality of support for Service children grow. Better collaboration, more research, and evidence-based practice and policy will lead to more opportunities and a more coherent learning journey for Service children, and help them take full advantage of both.

Our Partners