
Thriving Lives Toolkit Case Study Bank

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Funding provided by the Naval Children’s Charity has been secured to help schools take a more rigorous approach to the Thriving Lives Toolkit self-assessment by creating a searchable bank of case studies and guidance where school staff can assess their progress by learning from others well-evidenced examples.

A case study template and guidance will be developed which will be used to collect case studies representing a range of schools at the different stages of the self-assessment process (emerging, developing and embedding).

50 case studies will be collected from schools across the UK, with low and high proportions of Service children, helping to greatly increase the number and diversity of case studies of effective practice aligned to the seven principles of effective support. The project will produce template which will provide a mechanism for the ongoing production of case studies as school practice develops (including as a result of using the Toolkit).


  • Improve the rigour of schools’ assessments of impact by enhancing the case study format and guidance
  • Help schools develop stronger evidence-based support that is better tailored to their unique context by significantly increasing the scale and diversity of the case studies available
  • Increase engagement with and the impact of the Toolkit suite by tailoring training and case study promotion to individual school self-assessments

Outcomes: The project will help schools take a more rigorous approach to the Thriving Lives Toolkit self-assessment by creating a searchable bank of case studies and guidance where school staff can assess their progress by learning from others well-evidenced examples.

Outputs: The team will develop guidance and a template for future use, exemplifying the elements of the Thriving Lives Toolkit. We are seeking to develop 50 case studies of good practice from schools across the UK, including from schools with low and high proportions of Service children.

SCiP Alliance Strategy:

  • Impact 1: Embed the Thriving Lives Toolkit suite as the quality standard for evidence-based practice in schools.
  • Impact 2: Enhance the suite of support for evidence-based practice.

Partners: The project is funded by the Naval Children’s Charity. The case studies have been collected by Oxfordshire County Council. Many thanks to all the schools that have worked with us to create the case studies.

For further details, please contact Victoria Fisher, SCiP Alliance Engagement Manager,

Naval Childrens Charity

Invitation to submit a case study

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